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Stars on a dark background, the universe is full of stars, nebula and galaxies with noise

Coaching Services




How different could life be?


3 session programme (Zoom)

Introductory offer £210

You will come away from this feeling better about yourself.

Business coaches and marketers tell me that's too vague an outcome...but I know that it's something I craved for a very long time, without being able to put definite, practical parameters around it, or even clearly explain what I meant by it, and I believe that I'm far from alone in that. 

This mini-programme gets you chipping away at the layers of defence and pretence you've built up in response to life experiences, and getting to better Know, Like and Trust yourself - and I mean the real you, not the version you present to the world.

Because the more you know, like and trust yourself:

The more you understand what truly matters to you

The more you believe you deserve it

The more you have the courage to make it happen

Knowing, liking and trusting are all interconnected, but you probably won't be surprised to hear that the first session focuses on knowing, the second on liking and the third on trusting! Each session will begin with exercises/questions to bring up what it will most benefit you to explore, with the overall starting point being an exercise to make your self-talk a little kinder and help you begin to reconnect with your inner child.

Maybe you're thinking that wanting to feel better about yourself is self-indulgent, selfish?

But what if I tell you that the greatest gift you have to offer is that utterly unique combination of genes, qualities and experiences that is YOU? When we embrace who we truly are and let our light shine, the world is brighter for it. When the individuals flourish, the whole flourishes, right?

Let me be clear: this isn’t a magic wand – I’m not trying to sell you a miraculous transformation in 3 sessions - that’s crazy shit, frankly! The KLT Starter programme starts you on an adventure of self-exploration and self-expression that will last and shape the rest of your life.

This is for you if:

You want to feel better about yourself

You're not sure who you are any more

You're tired of trying to be who you think you should be

You're a sensitive, introverted, self-doubting people pleaser

If you're interested, please book a chat to discuss it - no charge, no pressure, no obligation.

Stars on a dark background, the universe is full of stars, nebula and galaxies with noise
"My self-belief has grown, and I feel confident that I’ll continue to draw on what I’ve learnt from our sessions to move forward and make choices that work for me."

Client testimonial - MB

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